a little bit of nothing...


I don't know how you ended up here, but nonetheless welcome to my little place on the web. Most people who visit this place usually seek one of two things: Either the various freeware programs I've written over the years, including Windows and Pocket PC applications and games, or my bicycle blog, devoted to folding bicycles and city cycling (in Greek).


January 21st, 2025: I have made various enhancements to Another letter for you, such as adding levels with more than one letter on a tile, showing more stats for the players, adding a level end countdown timer, indication for the longest words etc.

December 16th, 2024: Another letter for you is the sequal to "Letter for you". It's a tile-based word game with support for english and greek, that offers a new level every day, online leaderboards and a retro aesthetic. Gameplay is similar to games like Microsoft's Wordament.

February 10th, 2024: Trying to lean Lua and the Defold game engine, I made a Space Invaders clone, called They came from outer space.

December 17th, 2023: Letter for you has been updated to v1.3, adding Spanish support and a new feature, "the puzzle of the day". Get it on Google Play.

November 8th, 2023: Letter for you, my new Android word game is awaiting for you in Google Play.

November 1st, 2023: Pop and Order has been updated on Google Play a few weeks ago. The new version features better tap detection, more stats and various minor fixes. Meanwhile, a new word game, in English and Greek, is getting ready to be published: "Letter for you".

June 24th, 2023: Calculicious has risen from the dead and is awaiting for you in Google Play. Check the sidebar for the download link. Also, another update for Pop and Order is available, with new bonii and display of the daily notable player, to nurture your need for fame.

June 9th, 2023: Pop and Order has been updated with more leaderboards and an end of game accuracy bonus.

May 6th, 2023: A new game is up, let's welcome Pop and Order.

December 18th, 2022: A few more changes for Code breaker are up (online leaderboard, a tutorial to explain the game, minor visual fixes etc).

November 19th, 2022: Calculicious died a tragic death, after its backend host decided to stop offering free plans. At least a new game is now available, Code breaker!

February 17th, 2018: After just 30 months, Calculicious is now available for Android.

May 25th, 2014: How is 5 years for an update? You can breathe now though, because this page has finally been updated to include links to some new software I've written. Welcome Logi, my expense tracking app, and Calculicious, a math-inspired game, for Windows Phone.

September 10th, 2009: After a long period of inactivity ("long" being an understatement) I decided to redesign the site and just include its basic content, without the freeware game reviews, software recommendation and in general without any false promises of frequent updates - I was guilty of promising that way too many times...


Not much to say here really... I am 52, from Greece, currently living in Athens. I have graduated from the Law School of Athens, took my IT MSc from the University of Piraeus and I work as a software engineer. My current job involves database and mobile device programming. Rejoice, I won't bore you with more info.

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Google play links

  • Letter for you
    Get it on Google Play
  • Pop and order
    Get it on Google Play
  • Codebreaker
    Get it on Google Play
  • Calculicious
    Get it on Google Play